Introducing our digital workbook to help you write intentional website copy. Created in collaboration with RNR Creative.

Words are incredibly powerful. They hold the potential to spark deeply-felt emotions that transport you to places and spaces far beyond your imagination. They capture a moment, a thought, a message that leave indelible traces in our memory. Think of a love letter, a photographic caption, or even a phrase graffitied across a wall. Some words are hard to forget.

In business as in life, words are important. Using copy that is intentional is what distinguishes an enduring brand from an ordinary one. Whether you are offering a product or a service, the words that you publish on your website and across your touch points influence how closely you connect with your target customer.

To help guide you in creating copy that attracts clients who truly understand what you are offering, we have collaborated with design and creative studio RNR Creative to co-create a workbook focussed on intentional website copy.

In this digital resource, we provide practical, easy-to-follow advice that will lead you to reflect on the energy that you wish for your website’s copy to express.

Who is RNR Creative

RNR Creative is a design and creative studio currently based in Canada, which offers branding, art direction, print design and web design for mindful, creative and soulful entrepreneurs. Its approach to design and art direction is inspired by the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi (侘寂), and is shaped by the intention to offer more than just a design service, but rather, a philosophy for creation inspired by the wisdom of nature and spirituality.

Where is the workbook available

The digital format of the workbook can be purchased directly from us below, or from RNR Creative’s e-shop alongside her considered selection of resource offerings. It is available for immediate download.

Intentional Website Copy Workbook

Intentional copy that clearly communicates your brand or service message and captures its spirit is incredibly powerful. It has the ability to instantly transport you to another world, and to spark feelings within your heart that immediately connect you to the product or service. Words that are drafted and shaped precisely to fit your essence in the same way that a tailor-made garment perfectly fits and highlights your body hold the potential to attract a client that truly understands what you are offering. 

One Blue Dot has collaborated with RNR Creative to create this workbook designed to support you in creating copy expressive of your brand voice and key messaging. It includes tips of what to include on your main website pages to help connect you to your ideal customer/client.

This is a digital product and all sales are final.

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